The creative arts are able to open doors where there have been blocks, and it does so in a very powerful but gentle fashion. The arts help us bypass verbal and cognitive defenses to arrive more quickly at the core of the self. The arts, all of the arts, are able to help us grieve our losses and celebrate our successes. With images, we are better able to review the past and create a new and exciting future.
I am an artist and author who uses the creative arts with my clients inside of the practice of psychotherapy. Just as athletes need to cross train their muscles, as humans we need to cross train our brains, senses, and psyches. Talk therapy works, and adding a creative element deepens and enhances the total experience of healing.

In each session, I seek processes that access one or more of the following: senses, emotions, thoughts, and perceptions for therapeutic interventions that work.

Although the field of mental health and addiction frowns upon therapists using words such as miracles and magic to define our practices, an early intervention with art after a trauma, reduces the individual’s chance of developing PTSD by 80 percent. By any standards, this is miraculous. My definition of miracle, “An extraordinary healing, sometimes spontaneous, that appears to be like magic, until we have the science to explain it.“ Fortunately, science is catching up to what I have known all along, art heals our brains, emotions, bodies and souls.

Ericha Scott, PhD (LPCC917)
Registered Art Therapist (ATR-BC)
Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT)

Creative Arts Intensive

Embrace Healing Through Creativity: Travel to Malibu for a Creative Arts Intensive

I invite you on a journey of self-discovery and healing through the power of creative arts. Whether you are seeking personal growth, battling life’s challenges, or simply curious about art’s transformative power, Dr. Scott’s creative arts intensives are tailored for you.

Who Can Benefit? At my office we welcome you, regardless of artistic skill or interest. From individuals grappling with grief,  trauma, dissociation, addiction,  relationship struggles, to those desiring a fresh perspective on life, our doors are open to all.

What to Expect? Over the course of 1-10 days, you will be guided by Dr. Ericha Scott, a seasoned therapist who utilizes a wide range of creative healing processes, including:

  • Expressive Painting & Sculpting
  • Sand Play Therapy
  • Blind Contour Self-Portraits & Kinetic Mobiles
  • Green Arts Therapy in Nature
  • Poetry, Journal Writing & Collages
  • Movement & Gestalt Chair Work
  • Life-Sized Silhouettes and Mask Making 

These approaches are designed to address specific issues, inspire self-expression, personal insights and foster deep transformation.

Transformative Outcomes

Participants often leave our intensives with renewed hope, inspiration, and a sense of wholeness. From setting up personal art studios to finding the courage to face life’s transitions, to resolving blocks from early childhood experiences, the impact is profound and lasting.

As one participant exclaimed, “I am all here for the first time in my life; I have insides, they are mine, and I am not giving them away.” Dr. Scott has received reports that the impact of her intensive work with workshop participants is able to last up to two to four years.

Join Me! Whether you “hate art therapy” or are an aspiring artist or art therapist, these creative arts intensives offer a nurturing space to explore, heal, and grow. Dive into this artful resilience and discover how creativity can save lives, inspire dreams, and reveal the vibrant colors within your soul.

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Work With Ericha
  • Creative Arts Psychotherapy
  • Expressive Arts Psychotherapy
  • Trauma & Dissociative Disorders
  • Addiction & Codependency Counseling
  • Interfaith Spiritual Counseling
  • Talk Psychotherapy
  • Sand Play Therapy
  • Concierge Art Therapy Retreats
  • Home Health Experiential Workshops
  • Professional Trainings & Consulting
  • Keynote Speaker

Zoom & In Person Appointments Available

  • Creative Arts Psychotherapy
  • Expressive Arts Psychotherapy
  • Trauma & Dissociative Disorders
  • Addiction & Codependency Counseling
  • Interfaith Spiritual Counseling
  • Talk Psychotherapy
  • Sand Play Therapy
  • Concierge Art Therapy Retreats
  • Home Health Experiential Workshops
  • Professional Trainings & Consulting
  • Keynote Speaker

Zoom & In Person Appointments Available

See what others are saying…
“Dr. Ericha Scott demonstrates an exceptional competence in creating a healing experience using art…. as a testament to her presence as witness & her skill…. every workshop had healthcare professionals deeply touched by the experience, sometimes opening themselves to areas of healing previously unattainable in their own personal therapy.”

~Mary Barkalow, MD, Harvard Faculty

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