Psyche as a Grad Student, 1996

2016 Newsletter edition 1-2

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Please see my April first publication in the 2016 EDITION 1 Newsletter, by the INTERNATIONAL EXPRESSIVE ARTS THERAPY ASSOCIATION:

Please check out 2 articles on the topic of self-mutilation in the same issue.

1) The first article is in the section entitled, Professional Exchange. This article is a portion of a previously published article, The Body as Testament on the topic of self-mutilation (Scott, 1999, pp. 149-164). This article describes the phenomenon of self-mutilation from a research study by the author. This study describes the experience of self-harm in the words of those who struggle.

2) The second article published is also on the topic of self-mutilation, and this article is located in the section entitled, Notes to the Field. This article is a commentary piece about counter-transference and resolution via art. The article discusses the differential between providing psychotherapy and research. This piece includes a self-portrait of myself, as if I was a person in my own research study.

The editor, Roselle O’Brien was very generous to this author. She allotted 12 pages of my writing in a 95 page newsletter. I also wish to thank The Journal of Arts in Psychotherapy for granting the editor permission to republish.

If you are interested in more information, please contact Dr. Ericha Scott via the contact page listed in the menu above.

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